"Great News!! Every month e-Chesspuzzle will give cash money for the winner of e-Chesspuzzle contest. The contest regulation will be explain on 15th of every month. If there is no winner we will bring forward prize money and plus 10% increment. The more people submit the higher possibility for you to win the money.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Great News From e-Chesspuzzle

Great News from e-Chesspuzzle. Every month you have a chance
to win cash money from e-Chesspuzzle.What you have to do his to
email to us the answer before 30th of the month.
You have to answer only e-Chesspuzzle that we publish on 15th of the month.
Effective from April 2006 onwards.

Who can contest?
Open to all but 1 entry for 1 email account.
Effective from April 2006 onwards

How e-Chesspuzzle choose the winner?
1) Correct answer (Choose the 1000th)
eg: if there is 1500 correct answer we will choose
only 1 person i.e the thousandth.
If there is no winner for that month we will bring forward the money plus
10% increment for the following month.

How to send the answer?
Send to e-Chesspuzzle postmaster

Prize: US30 (if there is no winner + 10% increment)

The winner will be announced on 15th of the following month.
e-Chesspuzzle will email the winner.
The more contestant the higher chances for you to win the money.


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